A Range Coder is a fast variant of the arithmetic coder, which works byte orientated. The compression rate of a range coder is only a little bit worse than pure arithmetic coding, and the difference in many real implementation is not noticeable.
Arturo Campos
Arturo Campos is a student and programmer, interested in data compression, and has written several articles about data compression.
Mikael Lundqvist
Mikael is interested in data compression, experimental electronic music and has written a BWT implementation, an improved range coder, a faster sort algorithm and a modified MTF scheme.
G. Martin
G. Martin is the author of the first range coder paper presented on the Data Recording Conference in 1979.
Andrew Polar
Andrew Polar achieved a Ph.D. in automatic control theory and conducted lectures in Arithmetic, Algebra also some programming. He is currently in commercial software development.
Michael Schindler
Michael Schindler is an independent compression consultant in Austria and the author of szip and a range coder.
Range coder by Campos
A little pseudo source code from Arturo Campos.
Range Coder by Lundqvist
The range coder implementation from Dmitry Subbotin, improved by Mikael Lundqvist. A range coder is working similary to an arithmetic coder but uses less renormalisations and a faster byte output.
RanCode by Polar
RanCode is a fast and efficient range encoder by Andrew Polar.
Range Coder by Schindler
Range coder source code from Michael Schindler, which is one of my favourite range coder implementations. A range coder is working similary to an arithmetic coder but uses less renormalisations and a faster byte output.
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